Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Bottoms up (this is for all us curveys out there)

Isn't this the truth. I mean I have nothing against the slender figure, often I'm rather jealous with some of the clothes that they wear and wish my legs would look that good. But we do like a good big round bottom.

On the spanking side of things, we have had a bit of a slow few weeks, unfortunately hubby has had a rather bad time with the English weather, all the storms effect his Touretts, so he has spent a lot of time under the covers of the bed, and now he has a abscess on a tooth that is due to come out, so he's in no fit state for proper spankings. The thing is I think I really need a head ship and a de-stress spanking. I'm scared of telling him and I don't know why. I know that once he is feeling better that normal service will resume, but because I'm also hubby's carer my brain will sometimes (well a lot of the time) think that I don't need head ship spanking, so when its mentioned I bulk.
SO I know I need to sort my head out and let him do his rightful role as my HOH.
I will let you know how it goes, as he is bound to read this, and then I'm in for it...... well me cheeks are.


  1. I <3 this picture!!! Sexy does NOT equal skinny :)
